Meet The Team

Andy Bourg
Andy is a Master Electrician with 18-years of commercial experience.
He wrote Methods of Procedure (MOPs) for electrical installations for 2-1/2 years for Verizon and FED-EXData and switch centers. His background includes significant experience in power distribution and emergency backup systems.
Andy is 48-year old, Colorado Native, who is married for 19 years and has 2 kids.
He enjoys bee keeping, wine making and building instruments.

Cody Nelson
Cody is a Journeyman Electrician, Colorado born and raised. He is experienced in all things commercial and industrial electricity has to offer.
Believer in doing things right the first time! Advocate for team work in projects and building strong relationships.
Loves getting out in the wild and experiencing what this world has to offer. Passionate for travel, good food, and making connections with new people!
Hobbies include but are not limited to: golf, basketball, camping, paddle boarding, and long walks on the beach.
Jarred Smith
Jarred is a 30-year-old, transplant from Maine that moved to Breckenridge Colorado at 21, fell in love with the state and decided to stay!
Jarred is a firm believer that hard work pays off. Never complete a task that someone else could have done better. His focus of electrical work has been in the commercial field. He enjoys the skill set
and reward that comes along with working in this environment. Specialty lighting projects, bars/restaurants and simply fixing ones home in need come with great reward to him as well.
Lover of outdoor activities. Especially the ones that allow him to bring his dog scruffy along!
His favorite activities include hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, skateboarding, longboarding, snowboarding, playing guitar, golf, disc golf and more.